Why support our work?

Your help allows MYARTIST to be a catalyst for cultural expression in Greece. We think it is vital to build a more open Greece by connecting culture, communities, and democracy.

Support Us

You can support what we do in many different ways

As a social cooperative, MYARTIST relies on contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations to make culture available and accessible to audiences of all backgrounds with no entrance fee.

There are many ways that you can support what we do and help us shape the lives of artists in Greece. A quick and easy way is to follow us on social media via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. You can also attend one of our events, which range from free, informal talks like Cultural Heritage Interpretation in our headquarters, one-day research conferences or professional development events.

You can be a voice for cultural accessibility by becoming a member. Annual membership is open to anyone with an active interest in or professional commitment to art interpretation. It is available to individuals and organisations.

How can you support our work?

  • By funding a specific project: You can earmark your donation for specific activities. Find out more about our programmes through the website menu under “What we do”.
  • By entering into a long-term partnership to collaborate on projects
  • By helping us to spread the word about our work
  • By including our association in your will

Ενημερωθείτε για τις επόμενες εκθέσεις μας

    Θα επεξεργαστούμε τα προσωπικά δεδομένα που έχετε παράσχει σύμφωνα με την πολιτική απορρήτου μας.