This project was awarded the Good Practice Label by the French National Agency

Project co-financed by the Erasmus+ program | Adult Education
The Project
The objective of Bibliodos is to propose a first offer of adapted readings, by associating the learning of a language with the promotion of European literature and heritage. Bibliodos aims to be universal, i.e. accessible to people who do not have access to the written word (migrants, low-skilled adults, people with disabilities or learning difficulties, etc.) and to offer customized reading.
The Framework
Language training organizations in European countries are now taking in refugees who have had little or no schooling in their home countries. Their integration process on the European territory includes many hours of training, the first stage of which is often very long.
In addition, the project’s target audiences (migrants, low-skilled adults, people with disabilities or learning disabilities, etc.) generally have little or no access to books and heritage. Yet, they are great vehicles for learning and personal development.
Thus, Bibliodos aims to propose a first offer of adapted readings, by associating the learning of a language with the promotion of European literature and heritage, through ebooks, audio books and video adaptations in international signs. Educational resources (dossiers, sheets, tutorials) are made available to professional or volunteer trainers to facilitate the implementation of the project in training programs.
The Objectives
- Offer language learning through the reading of classical texts from A level (A0 to A1+)
- Strengthen and expand their digital skills
- Strengthen and broaden their pedagogical skills, particularly in terms of how to integrate people with special needs
- Facilitate access to writing and language learning with advanced reading features
- Improve “pleasure” reading by offering a new reading experience
- Improve foreign language skills by developing materials with a dual focus on cultural heritage and language skills
- Intercultural awareness and sharing of best practices related to European cultural values
- Promotion of reading as a learning tool for cultural and personal enrichment
- Enhancement of the European heritage and the synergy of the resources available to European public and private institutions
- Integration of newcomers and people in very precarious situations through European culture.
The Target groups and Strategies
The project’s target audiences (migrants, low-skilled adults, people with disabilities or learning difficulties, etc.) generally have little or no access to books and heritage. These adults may have a very different oral understanding of the language of ebooks depending on how they discovered, attended, learned it. They may also have a very complex relationship with reading and writing for various reasons. Thus, the level of written reception will not be the same for some and others, and the ease and difficulty of access to meaning will not be the same. Depending on the person, their learning difficulties, their background (life, initial and/or continuing education), the reading skill and therefore the reading level of the adapted ebook varies. Three reading levels are proposed, aiming to maintain a balance between ease and difficulty, so that reading remains stimulating without being demotivating.
The use of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) multimedia is considered more effective in acquiring vocabulary than paper and pencil learning (Alzahrani & Roberts, 2021). Bibliodos can be characterized as a multimedia CALL instrument. Reading comprehension improves if new vocabulary is combined with verbal input and pictures, a combination that Bibliodos implements.
Taking into account that the A1 level (which is the lowest level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)), with regard to reading, states that learners should be able to “understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, e.g. on posters or in catalogs”, all ebooks created in Bibliodos as part of level 1 contain only names, numbers or a combination of 2-3 words maximum. The challenge of the project is to propose a first “literary” reading offer for this level, which does not include this kind of text, and for the target audiences of the project.
Some additional strategies are implemented in Bibliodos: the text of the ebooks is associated with relevant (and heritage) images, so that the meaning of the words and the story becomes more obvious.
The text is read aloud. Two reading speeds are proposed. It is also possible to click on a word to hear it again.
It is possible to change the font size.
All of these strategies help the non-reader begin the journey into the second language.
Moreover, the whole philosophy and foundation of Bibliodos is based on storytelling, a simple way to give pleasure to the learners but also to transmit history and culture.
In addition to the ebooks, audio recordings and international sign language adaptations are available.
Each ebook is accompanied by a pedagogical file to facilitate integration into training programs.
Teaching sheets to facilitate the integration of ebooks into training programs are available. Practical information sheets are also available to help first-time readers/writers, dyslexic learners and the hearing impaired….
Finally, Bibliodos is a platform that allows the creation of ebooks for educational projects.
The Results
The Partners
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