E-heritage project
E-heritage project
MYARTIST is the leader partner in this project about supporting all those cultural workers who are struggling to adapt to a new virtual and digital paradigm and all those educators in charge of training them to do so.
The e-heritage project is a European wide initiative born from the will of different organisations, educators, artists and cultural workers to digitalise, modernise and innovate in the cultural heritage field. The project aims to extend educators competences to train creative/cultural workers in order to equip them with the
needed knowledge and skills to digitalize cultural heritage and make it accessible to visitors with special needs.
If you are a professional in this sector, browse through the project’s website and find out all the project can offer you, going from skills assessment tools and training courses, to an interactive creative map with many resources or a guide that will help you organise very attractive and accessible cultural events!
Innovation, creativity, inspiration and much more is what this project has to offer. Get involved and join a community that will help you make the most of your local cultural heritage, that will boost your creativity and will make a digital expert out of you!
The partners of the project are:
- Nikanor
- DomSpain
- Les Apprimeurs
- Villa Greppi
- Colorize
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